Hampstead Social

Welcome to the Hampstead social blog, created purely for our clients & followers, who love what we get up to & create. We have been requested by so many of you to create this blog.

Here we will share our most loved dishes and share the recipe. We also give you the latest scoop on upcoming fun socials & events.

So if you've tried our food or simply seen something thats looks tempting on social media, just let us know and we'll get it on here. So here we are, you now have access to the backdoor of our kitchen. Come see what we get up to & love to cook.

All Our Blog Posts

Invitation to celebrate food from the across the Middle East & Persia

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A one off unique collaboration celebrating the commonality of Food in the Middle East & Persia with Palestine On A Plate.

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Syrian Pop Up!


A chance to sample real Syrian Food by a Syrian refugee who is set up his own restaurant. Come support this pop up so he can support his family!

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Thanksgiving Dish to spice up any turkey!

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This Thanksgiving dish, can be side, a main vegetarian grain dish or an autumnal salad It's so versatile, Try it today!

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My Favourite Syrian Dips


The two most versatile dips you will ever make - Muhammara (Red Pepper) & NaNa Wa Jorz (Mint & Walnut) Check out our really easy recipe!

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Fine Arts & Food from Pakistan


Join us for an exclusive cultural journey into Pakistan; an evening’s immersion into the rich sights, sounds & tastes of the Punjab.

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Labneh Balls - Dried Yogurt Balls


The most versatile dip or spread. Very popular as a condiment that used for wraps, soup or dolloped on steak too.

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Green Freekah - The heartiest & most versatile grain


This hearty grain is so versatile and a firm favourite or our clients. By using this grain we help support a baker in Aleppo who uses the funds to bake bread for displaced people in his city.

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Pomegranate & Rose Eton Mess


Our version of the classic Eton mess with our twist of pomegranates, rose water infused cream and pistachios. So simple to tumble together but will leave your guests wanting for more.

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Iraqi Roast Chicken by Christiane Amanpour

19thMay chicken

An Iraqi chicken recipe by Christiane Amanpour from the Cookbook "Share" that celebrates our common humanity.

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Chargrilled Asparagus and Halloumi Salad

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Asparagus is only here for a short season, and we love to chargrill ours and add to salads, grains or simply serve with Halloumi.

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Warm Hummus


Turkish version of warm chickpea puree drizzled with olive oil & toasted pine nuts. You will ditch the shop bought hummus forever!

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Pistachio and rose topped chocolate mousse

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This light and creamy mousse is an instant people pleaser, we add a little bite with chopped pistachios as the perfect topping.

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Our article in The Times about how we started & the work we do


Our lovely friend Victoria Stewart, overheard our story in a co-working space and every since has been keen to have this featured. Read about how we started the business and the charities we support.

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Food, Faith & Women - Network Evening at THK HQ


The Hampstead Kitchen hosted a special evening for beautiful Jewish & Muslim women. Read about our evening & more about the great organisation Nisa-Nishim.

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From Sharing Banquets To Sharing My Home


The concept of sharing is present in both my business & personal life. I have been a “Superhost” for Airbnb. Find out how I became the face of their campaign.

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Chicken Skewers - marinated with Lemon & Za'atar covered in pistachio dust

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A firm favorite of my original clients, who still love making these. So easy to make, actually I only believe in simple recipes. try this out and see for yourself how amazing this is.

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YPO (Young Presidents Organisation) Network & Talk Evening


Meeting entrepreneurs of the future at a YPO Network & talk evening in Hampstead. Find out about the organisation & what we got up to.

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Palestinian Food in London

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Find out about our recent trip to a unique pop up called "Palestine on a Plate" hosted by Joudie Kalla - one of the best food pop ups I have been to. Check out my favourite dish I sampled and the Za'atar Chicken.

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Welcome to Hampstead Social, the blog of The Hampstead Kitchen


The Hampstead Kitchen opens its doors to all our clients & followers. We will be sharing our best selling recipes & sending exclusive invites to food events.

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Cooking Demo: Marinating & Roasting Masterclass


A one off event collaboration between The Hampstead Butcher & Hampstead Butcher & Provider to create the perfect roast.

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The Family Socials - Sharing platters of food around a table together


One regular basis we get asked to cook for weekly family get togethers. Sharing food with family & friends on one table is the best kind of pleasure.

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Nowruz - Persian New Year Social

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Nowruz is the name of the Iranian (Persian) New Year and marks the First day of Spring. It has been celeberated for more than 3000 years. Nowruz consists of two words: Now ( "New") and Ruz ( "Day"), meaning a New Day has begun. Check out photos from our Social that we hold every year now.

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​Jay Rayner samples The Hampstead Kitchen food


We were asked to hold their annual summer social for a charity called The Food Chain to help raise funds. Little did we know one of the patrons would be Jay Rayner. Naturally we were very nervous but

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Meatopia UK - Festival for serious meat lovers

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1 day, 3,500 people, 25 chefs & 22,000 dishes. We teamed up with Tayyabs in Whitechapel who are known not just in London but around the world for their signature lamb chops, Richard Turner the brains behind Meatopia loved their lamb chops so much thats they asked us if we could create these at the Festival.

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Photographers Lunch Session


How do you pick the best photographer for your food? Hmmm just invite a few to sample your food and see who best captures what you are trying to create. We invited them to see how they would capture our food after trying it out. We let them play around with the food and the dishes, and in the end we chose one based on her organic & authentic feel. See what you think.

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Private Cooking Class with ​Anissa Helou - Top Syrian Chef


A unique opportunity to step into Anissa's kitchen to teach me my favourite Syrian & other Levants dishes.

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Gujarati Thali Social - Little bowls of the most amazing vegetarian Food

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The most amazing vegetarian for ever. a beautiful plate of the most interesting little mini bowls of rice, lentil and various vegetarian dishes, alls pisces in their now unique way. This was a private social & a mini masterclass

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A Persian Banquet in my parents hometown of Islamabad, Pakistan

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Cooking with produce from another country is always exciting. you never know quite how its going to taste or turn out. I was asked by family & friends to recreate a typical Persian & Middle Eastern banquet.

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Our Videos

Take a peek at what we do and how we do it. There will more video showing how to make some of dishes and tips on creating a great dinner party.


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