Green Freekah - The heartiest & most versatile grain

5min 15-20 min 20 - 35 min
• 500g of freekeh (Any Middle Eastern Store or online from Sous Chef)
• pinch of sea salt
• 1 bunch flat-leaf parsley
• 1/2 bunch chopped fresh mint
• 1/2 bunch dill
• 1 bunch spring onions finely chopped
• 1 can chickpeas, drained and tossed in a pan with smoked cumin and paprika
• 1/2 juice of a fresh lemon, more to taste if you prefer
• pinch cumin seeds, ground, toasted & ground
• 1 garlic clove, minced or puréed (optional)
• glug of pomegranate molasses
• glug of date or apple cider vinegar
• 6 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
• scattering of pumpkin seeds
• one whole pomegranate, de-seeded
handful smoked almonds coarsely cut
Heat a medium-sized heavy saucepan over medium-high heat and add freekeh. Toast in the dry pan, shaking pan or stirring, until freekeh becomes fragrant, 2 to 3 minutes.
Add the Freekah to a pan of boiling water, the grain should be whole but soft when pressed by your fingers. Boil roughly for around 15 to 20 mins.
Drain the Freekah, and run under a cold tap to stop it cooking and becoming mushy. minutes.
Combine freekeh, chopped herbs, and chickpeas in a large bowl and toss together.
In another bowl, lightly whisk together lemon juice, oil cumin, garlic, salt, and olive oil; toss with salad.
Scatter pomegranates, nuts & the pumpkins seeds on the top and give it one last toss and its ready.
Serve right away or let sit for up to 1 hour, Will keep for 3 or 4 days in the fridge before serving.
SERVE WITH: Roast chicken, lamb or fresh bread or on it's own as a salad.