Meatopia UK - Festival for serious meat lovers
A bit about the Festival
Meatopia is festival for lovers of meat. It consists of chefs, butchers, artisans, evangelists and burgerati of the movement. The main manifesto are listed here
All meat is cooked over a real fire over logs or charcoal.
All meat has been raised naturally without hormones & cruelty free.
Ethically sourced, focusing on name, and rare breeds.
Raised & Butchered locally to where they lived and sourced from as nearby as possible.
Enjoying Nose to Tail cuts celebrating the whole animal and will encourage you to do the same.

The Hampstead Kitchen had the mammoth task to feed Tayyabs in Whitechapel who are known not just in London but around the world for their signature lamb chop Richard Turner the brains behind Meatopia love their lamb chops, and asked us if we could create these at the Festival. This was an opportunity I wasn’t going to let them miss out on.
Tayyabs has been a place I visited when I was a child, and I have seen it develop so much over the past decade. Even when I was in banking, I would always pester Aleem & Waseem Tayyab why they were not present in any festivals or markets despite being a household name. They simply said they didn’t have time, as they were so busy at the ever expanding restaurant. The brothers have become really good friends of mine over the years, so I offered to help them plan their stall at the festival taking charge of communications & logistics and even the front of house to look after all the guests visiting us that day.
This has been running for 3 years now, don't miss this year Tickets are available here
Here are some great pictures from our day.

It was a huge success.and I was so happy to see their food so well received, Serving Jay Raynor and Gizzi Erskine amongst other key well known chefs was the highlight of my day. We were sold out by 4:30pm that afternoon