From Sharing Banquets To Sharing My Home

Airbnb loved how I shared my home through their platform in order to share my food with the world! Airbnb has played a huge part in how I set up my business and allowing me to focus purely on my business.
I’m still overwhelmed at over the huge image myself on the Airbnb campaign, which was featured in the cover sleeve of the Metro, London Underground tube station, bus shelters & cinema foyers. Being stopped in the street and asked if I was the same person as in the advertisement, has been funny but great for my business too.
Airbnb Take over of The Hampstead Kitchen

I love entertaining and hosting, and I have done it for pleasure years before I even started The Hampstead Kitchen. It comes naturally to me, so I was very excited to hear that Airbnb found my story inspiring and wanted to feature in their Airbnb campaign.
It took 2 hours and a crew consisting of 22 people to create the campaign photo. It was an amazing experience and of course a lot of fun.
Are we done yet? Feeding the crew with some pan roasted sea bass

Here's the campaign that was featured in the Underground & Bus Stops.