Welcome to Hampstead Social, the blog of The Hampstead Kitchen

Hello there & welcome to our kitchen.
Yay! We finally have a voice.
As you are aware we love to feed and we are a tiny bit crazy. This blog has been specially cooked up in response to numerous requests of our enthusiastic clients! You wanted a sharing space with access to all our top kitchen secrets and we are giving you just that!
So by subscribing to our blog you can find our unique, best-selling & everyday recipes that are easy to put together. We will be offering practical useful food tips including quick, mid-week meals and how to create meals from your leftovers. We also want to share ideas about cooking special meals on the weekend for family & friends and how to create a great party. We will share our food adventures whilst we are cooking for clients around the world. We have a huge depository of cook booksfrom which we will share our must haves and let you know which ones should be collecting dust on the shelf.
There’s no faffing around in our kitchen, rather than give you an airbrushed photo of a dish, which is unachievable to reproduce, we give you something simple to recreate whilst never compromising on the flavour. We called our blog Hampstead Social because we wanted to engage and create a forum for sharing. So if it’s creating a great pantry to help you get started in the kitchen or setting an attention-grabbing dinner table, just drop us an email or tweet us, we'd love to hear from you.
So enjoy and don’t be a stranger.
p.s. You can already view a few recipes here